Our Team


Dentist, graduated in 1991 in the UNIBE.
Owner of the clinic, which was founded by him in 1996.
MBA in Oral Implantology and Dental Aesthetics in in the UIB.
University Specialist in Oral Implantology and Dental Aesthetics in the IMOI and the Santiago de Compostela University.
Titular Partner in the Spanish Society of Oral Surgery (SECIB) and in the Spanish Society of Periodontics (SEPES).

Dr. Joan Ramis


Dental assistant course and patient care.
Odontonet course.
Certified Quality Dental Quality Course

Joan Ramis Carbonell

Dental assistant and patient care
dra katerina kuperman

Dentist. Graduate in Odontology in 2003.
Standardization with the Spanish degree in 2007.
MBA in Orthodontics in Fomento Profesional.
Orthodontics Master University of Lleida
Invisible Orthodontic Certification. Airnivol, Italy.
Functional Orthopedics. Dr. Demicheri
Postgraduate in Orthodontics: Title of Expert in the European Orthodontics Centre in 2009-2011.
Damon System Certified.
Lingual Orthodontics Certificate by Dr. Cacciafesta

Dra. Kate Kuperman


Master's degree in clinical microscopic endodontics and endodontic microsurgery - San Antonio Catholic University, Malaga. In progress.
Master's degree in advanced oral implantology. European University of Madrid, Valencia 2018 – 2020.
Degree in Dentistry. European University of Madrid, Valencia 2013 – 2018.

Drs. Núria Fuster González


Doctor in Stomatology in La Habana University in 2002.
First grade specialist in Maxillofacial Surgery in La Habana University in 2008.
Diploma in Oncologic Head and Neck Surgery in INOR in 2010.
Qualifications standardized by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports.
Courses in Oral Surgery, Head and Neck Oncology, Implantoprothesis, Minimally Invasive Surgery, Zigomatic Implants and Sedation.

Dr. Raúl Calzagorri

Oral Surgeon and Implantologist

Periodontology and Oral Implantology Master, University of Barcelona 2019 - 2022
Advanced Surgery Master, ESIRO Barcelona 2018 – 2019
Dentistry Degree, International University of Catalonia 2010 – 2016

Dr. Mateu Soler Barceló

Surgery and periodontics

Advanced Clinical Fellowship in Dental Implantology and Oral Rehabilitation. New York University School of Dentistry 2022-2024
Doctor of Dental Surgery, Dentistry, International University of Catalonia (UIC) 2014-2019
Certified Dental Technician (CDT), State Institute of Higher Education “Leonardo da Vinci”, Florence, Italy

Dr. Marco Vinattieri Amelotti


Formative course for the exposed personnel.
Course for the Management of Conflictive Patients.
Course of Oral Surgery.
Update course in Conservative Dentistry.
Course in Care Relations.
Course in Dental Prosthesis.

María Bonnín

Clinic Assistant.

Degree in Nursing Assistant.
Higher Degree in Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Technician
Superior Degree in Dental Prosthesis.
Theoretical practical Course of CAD-CAM Technology.

Neus Valeriano

Dental Technician

Training in Clinic management and customer care in 2008/2009.
Coordination and Patient Support.

Catiana Vidal

Coordination and patient care

Curso DQ de atención al paciente
Curso de auxiliar dental

Joana Maria Fuster
