Preventive dentistry

Odontología Preventiva

The objective of preventive dentistry is to impede the appearance and development of oral pathologies and the problems and inconveniences that they cause.
With hygiene treatments and periodic check-ups, we can maintain healthy and lasting teeth. Preventive dentistry entails a shared effort between dentist and patient.

Preventive dentistry treatments

Frequently asked questions

How often should I have a dental check-up?

We recommend at the very least once a year. However, for some patients – especially those with gum disease – it is recommended to visit a dentist with higher frequency.

What happens during a dental check-up?

In a routine check-up we inspect the state of your teeth and gums. Premature diagnosis of any oral pathology is key for a quick and efficient treatment.

We also check the state of past treatments that you may have undergone. This will help extend the results of a single intervention.

Furthermore, we will look for early symptoms of more serious illnesses that may require advanced diagnosis.

How do I plan my visit?

Call us and we will take care of it. Tell us about your availability and we will schedule your next recommended appointment and call you when the date gets closer.

Do you want to know more?
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